2016年9月18日 星期日

如何靠針灸延緩老化 ? How to keep your skin looking younger and boost collagen production by acupuncture?

人老了皮膚的膠原蛋白會受損而鬆弛產生皺紋 可能是我平時笑口常開的關係 嘴巴周圍的笑紋多了好多朋友 看起來有點礙眼 所以只好自我針灸 除了醫美外 用針灸技術來抗衰老也是種利器。
脾主肌肉,所以足陽明胃經的足三里與脾經 的三陰交是首選
臉上除了局部穴位外 ,也要針肌動點
How to keep your skin looking younger and boost collagen production by acupuncture?
Senior's skin will lost collagen.
My skin on face has started to sagging since I was 50.
I am 62 now.
According to my personal experience, cosmetic acupuncture is a good method to keep my face looks younger than my real age.
Spleen governs all of muscles. So don't forget to strengthen spleen function.
Except A shi points , to stimulate the motor points around the wrinkles also very important.
Using ST 36 and SP 6 to strength spleen stomach function and motor points to lift up the sagging skin.

A Shi points plus motor points

