2015年6月17日 星期三

How to Reduce Weight with Your Diet?

How to Reduce Weight with Your Diet?

You need to reduce taking the amount of saccharide –Whole grains category, Flour and Fruits, Rhizomes ( potato, sweet potato)

1. Stop drinking your calories which includes Soda, juice, beer, alcohol and even smoothies all contain a high number of calories.
By replacing high-calorie drinks with water.
2. Eating more protein and fat before you taking carbohydrate. Because the carbohydrates are absorbed quickly, which causes blood sugar to spike triggering a surge of insulin. As a result, insulin, unable to get glucose into the cells, converts more and more sugar into fat.
3. Taking the foods ratio of omaga3 and omaga6 to 1:1 is the most benefit to your healthy. 
4. Your intake fits the needs of your weight goal. So, if you didn’t do workout ENOUGH that you need to eat low-fat, low-carbohydrate, prevent to eat too much saturated fats ,fried foods as well as sweets, junk foods, and alcohol.

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