2016年5月26日 星期四

麥粒腫(針眼) Hordeolum VS. 霰粒腫Chalazion

麥粒腫(針眼) Hordeolum VS. 霰粒腫Chalazion
麥粒腫(針眼) Hordeolum
眼瞼緣會紅、腫、熱、痛 /Eyelid margin redness, swelling, heat, pain
病因Cause of disease :
1.金黃色葡萄球菌感染 / due to Staphylococcus aureus infection
2.食物過敏/ Food allergies (seafood, chocolate)
特效中藥Effects of Chinese medicine:
1.金菊花jin ju hua
2.夏枯草xia ku cao
3.蒲公英pu gong ying
特效穴位Effects of acu-points:
.耳尖和攢竹穴放血Bleeding the Ear Apex and BL- 2
民俗療法Folk remedies :
粗鹽水清洗 To wash it with salt solution
不怎麼痛 ,但眼皮翻過來可以看到結膜上的腫塊/it's not really pain, but if you turn over the eyelid the lumps can be seen on the conjunctiva.
特效中藥Effects of Chinese medicine:
托裏消毒飲tuo li xiao du san+金菊花jin ju hua 玄蔘xuan shen
特效穴位Effects of acu-points:
翳風 TE17、 攢竹穴BL2、魚腰 EX-HN4、絲竹空 TE23
民俗療法Folk remedies: 每天用局部熱敷10分鐘三次/using the warm towel to the eye lid for 10 munities 3 times per day

